The Ultimate Digital Marketing Definitions Cheat Sheet

What does ASP stand for?
ASP is an acronym for Application Service Provider
What does B2B stand for?
B2B is an acronym for Business to Business, and refers to any business that primarily sells products or services to other businesses.
What does B2C stand for?
B2C is an acronym for Business to Consumer, and refers to a business that primarily sells products or services to end-user consumers.
What does BOFU stand for?
BOFU is an acronym for Bottom Of The Funnel
What does CMS stand for?
CMS is an acronym for Content Management System
What does CPA stand for?
CPA is an acronym for Cost Per Action
What does CPC stand for?
CPC is an acronym for Cost Per Click
What does CPL stand for?
CPL is an acronym for Cost Per Lead
What does CPM stand for?
CPM is an acronym for Cost Per Impression, and refers to a cost per 1,000 impressions.
What does CPS stand for?
CPS is an acronym for Cost Per Sale
What does CPV stand for?
CPV is an acronym for Cost Per View
What does CR stand for?
CR is an acronym for Conversion Rate
What does CRM stand for?
CRM is an acronym for Customer Relationship Management
What does CRO stand for?
CRO is an acronym for Conversion Rate Optimization
What does CSS stand for?
CSS is an acronym for Cascading Style Sheets
What does CTA stand for?
CTA is an acronym for Call To Action
What does CTR stand for?
CTR is an acronym for Click-Through Rate
What does DA stand for?
DA is an acronym for Domain Authority, commonly used as a website metric on
What does DNS stand for?
DNS is an acronym for Domain Name System
What does eCPM stand for?
eCPM is an acronym for Effective CPM (Cost Per Mille), and refers to a effective cost per thousand impression.
What does EPC stand for?
EPC is an acronym for Earnings Per Click
What does FB stand for?
FB is an acronym for Facebook
What does FTP stand for?
FTP is an acronym for File Transfer Protocol
What does GA stand for?
GA is an acronym for Google Analytics
What does IBL stand for?
IBL is an acronym for Inbound Link
What does IM stand for?
IM is an acronym for Instant Messaging
What does KPI stand for?
KPI is an acronym for Key Performance Indicator
What does LPO stand for?
LPO is an acronym for Landing Page Optimization
What does MAU stand for?
MAU is an acronym for Monthly Active Users
What does MOFU stand for?
MOFU is an acronym for Middle Of The Funnel
What does MSN stand for?
MSN is an acronym for Microsoft Network
What does NSI stand for?
NSI is an acronym for Network Solutions
What does OBL stand for?
OBL is an acronym for Outbound Link
What does PA stand for?
PA is an acronym for Page Authority, commonly used as a website metric on
What does PFI stand for?
PFI is an acronym for Pay For Inclusion
What does PFP stand for?
PFP is an acronym for Pay For Performance
What does PPC stand for?
PPC is an acronym for Pay Per Click
What does PPL stand for?
PPL is an acronym for Pay Per Lead
What does PPS stand for?
PPS is an acronym for Pay Per Sale
What does PR stand for?
PR is an acronym for PageRank
What does PV stand for?
PV is an acronym for Page View
What does QS stand for?
QS is an acronym for Quality Score
What does RFP stand for?
RFP is an acronym for Request For Proposal
What does ROAS stand for?
ROAS is an acronym for Return On Ad Spend
What does ROI stand for?
ROI is an acronym for Return on Investment
What does RON stand for?
RON is an acronym for Run Of Network
What does ROS stand for?
ROS is an acronym for Run Of Site
What does RSS stand for?
RSS is an acronym for Real Simple Syndication
What does RT stand for?
RT is an acronym for Retweet
What does SEM stand for?
SEM is an acronym for Search Engine Marketing
What does SEO stand for?
SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization
What does SERP stand for?
SERP is an acronym for Search Engine Results Page, and refers to a shorthand for a page of search engine listings, typically the first page of organic results.
What does SMM stand for?
SMM is an acronym for Social Media Marketing
What does TLD stand for?
TLD is an acronym for Top Level Domain
What does TOFU stand for?
TOFU is an acronym for Top Of The Funnel
What does UGC stand for?
UGC is an acronym for User Generated Content
What does UI stand for?
UI is an acronym for User Interface
What does URL stand for?
URL is an acronym for Universal Resource Locator refers to a location of a resource on the Internet.
What does USP stand for?
USP is an acronym for Unique Selling Proposition
What does UV stand for?
UV is an acronym for Unique Visitor
What does WMT stand for?
WMT is an acronym for Webmaster Tools
What does WOM stand for?
WOM is an acronym for Word of Mouth
What does WP stand for?
WP is an acronym for WordPress
What does WWW stand for?
WWW is an acronym for World Wide Web
A/B Testing
What does A/B Testing mean?
A/B Testing refers to a/B testing refers to an uncomplicated way to test page changes against text from an existing page. The existing text is called the control, and it is compared to updated copy, called the variation. The ideal is to compare copy to determine which text is more effective. A/B testing is also referred to as split testing or bucket testing. The testing is a randomized experiment with two variables, the control and the variation to the controlled testing or experiment. Statistical analysis is used to determine which text performs better, measuring the impact of the changes on the metrics to identify positive or negative results.
Account-Based Advertising
What does Account-Based Advertising mean?
One tactic in an account-based marketing (ABM) strategy. It’s the practice of serving display advertising only to specified titles at the target accounts you designate. For example, if you’re marketing a new type of food packaging to General Mills, you might target multiple levels of responsibility, such as Senior Product Manager, Senior Product Marketer, VP of Product Marketing. Only people who work at General Mills and have these titles would be shown your ads.
Ad Audience
What does Ad Audience mean?
The total number of people that have been exposed to or could possibly be exposed to an ad during any specific time period.
Ad Banner
What does Ad Banner mean?
The most common form of digital advertising. These ad units, which include static graphics, videos, and/or interactive rich media, are displayed on a web page or in an application.
Ad Blocking
What does Ad Blocking mean?
Ad Blocking refers to the blocking of Web advertisements, typically the image in graphical Web advertisements.
Ad Click
What does Ad Click mean?
The action taken when a user interacts with an ad by either clicking on it with their mouse or by pressing enter on their keyboard.
Ad Exchange
What does Ad Exchange mean?
A technology-facilitated marketplace that allows Internet publishers and advertisers to buy and sell advertising inventory in real-time auctions. Ad exchanges are a departure from the historical method of buying ad inventory, where advertisers and publishers would enter price negotiations in order to show ads on a particular website. With an ad exchange, an auction is conducted in real-time, providing instantaneous bidding for ad space that’s available across the Internet.
Ad Extensions
What does Ad Extensions mean?
Ad extensions refers to additional information to a Google AdWords ad. This additional information can be in the form of the company address, callouts, pricing, reviews, click to call, website links, and app downloads. Lengthier ads boost ad visibility on the search pages and typically generates an boostd click-through rate.
Ad Impressions
What does Ad Impressions mean?
The number of times an ad has been served, regardless of whether the user has actually seen or interacted with the ad in any way.
Ad Inventory
What does Ad Inventory mean?
Website publishers serve ads to visitors when they visit a web page. The number of potential ads that can be served is considered their ad inventory. For example, if The Gotham Times averages 1,000 visits to their home page in any given week, and they have space for two display ads on their home page, then their potential ad inventory is 2,000 impressions per week.
Ad Network
What does Ad Network mean?
A vendor that connects advertisers to publishers. Ad networks act as a single point of contact between publishers and advertisers, helping negotiate supply and demand.
Ad Serving
What does Ad Serving mean?
The delivery of an ad from a web server to the end user’s device, where the ads are displayed on a browser or an application.
Ad Space
What does Ad Space mean?
Ad Space refers to the space on a page available for advertisements.
Ad Targeting
What does Ad Targeting mean?
Delivering ads to a pre-selected audience based on various attributes, such as geography, demographics, psychographics, web browsing behavior, and past purchases.
Ad Unit
What does Ad Unit mean?
A size-and-format specification for an ad. The Interactive Advertising Bureau, a trade association promoting digital ad standards and practices, has a set of guidelines for sizes.
What does AdSense mean?
AdSense refers to a contextual advertisement service provided by Google.
Advertising Network
What does Advertising Network mean?
Advertising Network refers to a network representing many websites in selling advertising, allowing advertising buyers to reach broad audiences relatively easily through run-of-category and run-of-network buys.
Affiliate Marketing
What does Affiliate Marketing mean?
Publishers have websites that get traffic and advertisers want to promote their products to the people who visit those websites. Affiliate marketing is an agreement between a publisher and an advertiser where the publisher receives compensation for every click delivered and/or every sale made of the advertiser’s product or service.
What does Analytics mean?
Data and statistics about the users of a website and how they interact with the website. Analytics can be used to uncover information about how many people browse a website, how much time they spend on the website, and the specific actions they take on the website. This information is then used to target audiences, understand consumer behavior, improve user experience, and optimize advertising campaigns.
What does Attribution mean?
The goal of attribution is to identify which touch, of the many possible, is most (or partially) responsible for a conversion, so ROI can be calculated. First touch, last touch, and multi-touch are common attribution models. For example, a sale might begin with an ad, lead to an email campaign, and end with a phone call from a salesperson. With first-touch attribution, the ad would get the entire credit for the sale. With last-touch, the phone call gets all the credit. With multi-touch, the ad, the email, and the phone call each get partial credit.
Average Position
What does Average Position mean?
Average position refers to a “statistic that describes how your ad typically ranks against other ads.” On a search page, Google AdWords has four top positions (1 – 4.) Positions 1 – 4 appear at the top of the search results pages. Ad positions 5+ are displayed at the bottom of the search results page. Google determines ad position by ad rank. Google scores on the marketer’s bid and keyword, ad, and website or landing page quality. The better the score, the better the ranking position for the ad. Ads can vary from position to position throughout the day depending on high bids for the date and time. Google AdWords Tools allow marketers to analyze their ad’s average position.
Banner Ad
What does Banner Ad mean?
Banner Ad refers to a graphical web advertising unit, typically measuring 468 pixels wide and 60 pixels tall (i.e. 468×60).
Banner Blindness
What does Banner Blindness mean?
Banner Blindness refers to the tendency of web visitors to ignore banner ads, even when the banner ads contain information visitors are actively looking for.
Beyond The Banner
What does Beyond The Banner mean?
Beyond The Banner refers to a digital ads not involving standard GIF and JPEG banner ads.
Bing Advertising
What does Bing Advertising mean?
Bing advertising refers to a Bing platform service. The service provides pay per click advertising on Bing, MSN, and Yahoo! search engines. Marketers bid on keywords and keywords phrases. Advertisers can create ads that focus on geographic regions, day and time, and demographics.
Bounce Rate
What does Bounce Rate mean?
A bounce is a website visit in which the visitor looked only at the single page they landed on, did not interact with it, and then left the site. The bounce rate expresses such visits as a percentage of the total visitor sessions, within a specific time frame. For example, suppose a website has 100 sessions in one day. (Note that this is different from 100 visitors. Any visitor could visit multiple times, and each time would count as a session.) If 75% of the visits are bounces, then the bounce rate will be 75%. A high bounce rate is often indicative of a poorly designed landing page. It can also indicate that a page completely fulfilled what the visitor was looking for, so the visitor did not need to keep clicking to find out more. (But more often it means the page failed, underscoring how important it is to design landing pages for visitor engagement.)
What does Browser mean?
A software program with a graphical interface that people use to navigate all the information available on the World Wide Web. Examples include Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer.
Button Ad
What does Button Ad mean?
Button Ad refers to a graphical advertising unit, smaller than a banner ad.
What does Caching mean?
Caching refers to the storage of Web files for later re-use at a point more quickly accessed by the end user.
Call To Action (CTA)
What does Call To Action (CTA) mean?
Call To Action (CTA) refers to a Call to action refers to a digital marketing term. CTA is a design that marketers use to prompt a response from consumers. Marketers use CTA to encourage consumers to take immediate action toward the purchase of their goods or services. Examples include phrases such as “Click to Read More”, “Download Your Free eBook Now”, or “Click Here”.
What does Channel mean?
A distribution method; In advertising, it’s an outlet used by advertisers to reach audiences, such as direct mail or radio. Digital advertising includes channels such as display advertising, social media advertising, and mobile in-app advertising.
Click Through Rate (CTR)
What does Click Through Rate (CTR) mean?
Click through rate refers to the number of consumers that click on an ad after viewing it. Marketers use the formula of dividing the number of ad clicks by the number of ad impressions (views.) The CTR concept is for marketers to gauge the effectiveness of their ads better. An ad high is views, and low in clicks is a sign that the ad lacks consumer appeal.
What does Click-Through mean?
Click-Through refers to the process of clicking through an online advertisement to the advertiser’s destination.
Click-through Rate (CTR)
What does Click-through Rate (CTR) mean?
Expressed as a percentage of total impressions, this statistic shows how often people who are served an ad end up clicking on it. An ad’s CTR is calculated by dividing the number of clicks an ad received by the number of times it’s been served, then converting that into a percentage. For example, if an ad received 5 clicks and was shown 1000 times, the CTR is 0.5%. The higher the CTR on an ad, the better it’s performing.
Contextual Advertising
What does Contextual Advertising mean?
Contextual Advertising refers to a method of serving advertisements based on the content (i.e., overall context or theme) of a page.
Contextual Targeting
What does Contextual Targeting mean?
Selecting audiences based on the type of content being displayed on a particular webpage. An example of contextual advertising is placing ads for hair care products on the Vogue website.
What does Conversion mean?
When launching a campaign, advertisers select a specific action or set of actions they want audiences to take. Each time a member of the audience takes this action, it is counted as a conversion. Conversions include actions such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase on a website.
Conversion Pixel
What does Conversion Pixel mean?
A 1×1 image pixel placed on a web page (such as a thank-you page) which is triggered whenever a conversion occurs. Usually transparent. The first is by taking the number of users who completed the conversion and dividing it by the total number of impressions served. The second, more common way, is by taking the number of users who completed the conversion and dividing it by the total number of users who clicked on the ad.
Conversion Rate
What does Conversion Rate mean?
Conversion Rate refers to a Conversion rate refers to the percentage of website visitors that complete a website transaction. The transaction is termed the marketer’s predefined goal. A predefined goal can be considered a purchase or a visitor information request. For instance, 100 consumers visit a website and 10 purchase the website. The conversion rate is 10%.
Conversion Tracking
What does Conversion Tracking mean?
Monitoring how many conversions have occurred during any specific time period, and analyzing which ads led to the conversions.
What does Cookie mean?
Information stored on a website visitor’s browser. A cookie tracks the visitor’s movement on the website and is used to remember the visitor’s behavior and preferences. These do not transfer across browsers.
What does Copy mean?
Text in an ad or text written to be delivered audibly. Best practice with ad copy is to stay away from advertising jargon.
Cost per Acquisition (CPA)
What does Cost per Acquisition (CPA) mean?
The cost of acquiring one customer. Typically calculated by dividing the total amount spent on an advertising campaign by the number of customers acquired through that campaign.
Cost Per Click (CPC)
What does Cost Per Click (CPC) mean?
Cost Per Click (CPC) is the dollar value a marketer spends for a pay per click campaign. Pay per click ads can be displayed among various search engine providers like Google and Bing. Google AdWords is Google’s ad service. Bing Advertising and Google AdWords require marketers to bid on keywords and keyword phrases. Each keyword and keyword phrase have a set dollar value. With keywords and keyword phrases that are high demand.
Cost Per Lead (CPL)
What does Cost Per Lead (CPL) mean?
Cost Per Lead (CPL) refers to a digital ads payment model in which payment is based on the number of qualifying leads generated.
Cost per Lead (CPL)
What does Cost per Lead (CPL) mean?
How much an advertiser pays, on average, for each ad click that results in a lead conversion. CPL is calculated by dividing the total amount spent on a campaign by the number of leads generated.
Cost Per Thousand (CPM)
What does Cost Per Thousand (CPM) mean?
Cost Per Thousand (CPM) in the digital marketing term represents the Roman numeral for 1,000. Marketers use CPM to measure the cost of an online ad per 1,000 impressions. Impression refers to the number of the ad’s display on a page. Marketers can use CPM to bid on a keyword or keyword phrases.
Cost-Per-Action (CPA)
What does Cost-Per-Action (CPA) mean?
Cost-Per-Action (CPA) refers to a digital ads payment model in which payment is based solely on qualifying actions such as sales or registrations.
Cost-Per-Click (CPA)
What does Cost-Per-Click (CPA) mean?
Cost-Per-Click (CPA) refers to the cost or cost-equivalent paid per click-through.
Cost-Per-Click (CPC)
What does Cost-Per-Click (CPC) mean?
Cost-Per-Click (CPC) refers to the cost or cost-equivalent paid per click-through.
Cross-Device Targeting
What does Cross-Device Targeting mean?
Serving the same buyer targeted ads across multiple devices. Cross-device targeting allows advertisers to reach their audiences in a sequential, repetitive manner regardless of the device they’re on, whether it’s a tablet, desktop, or smartphone. This has a similar effect to the old-school tactics of gaining reach and frequency through using a range of channels such as radio + newspaper + billboards + direct mail.
Customer Acquisition Cost
What does Customer Acquisition Cost mean?
Customer Acquisition Cost refers to a Customer acquisition cost refers to the costs spent leading up to a sale. In marketing, it is an important metric to calculate the actual value of the customer. Marketers use customer acquisition cost to determine the percentage of resources that can be profitably spent on a customer.
Demand-Side Platform (DSP)
What does Demand-Side Platform (DSP) mean?
A system that allows advertisers to bid for and purchase inventory from multiple ad exchanges, through one single interface.
Digital Marketing Campaigns
What does Digital Marketing Campaigns mean?
Digital marketing campaigns refer to digital ads. Digital marketing campaigns can include various types of advertising like PPC and content marketing. Marketers strategically plan marketing campaigns to engage with consumers, convert sales, drive traffic to websites, and boost revenue. Marketing campaigns are used to reach company/marketing goals and include one or more digital marketing channels for campaign success.
Direct Response
What does Direct Response mean?
A campaign or ad specifically created to encourage audiences to take immediate action.
Display Advertising
What does Display Advertising mean?
A digital advertising format where graphic ads are shown on a web page. The term originated in newspapers, and the principles still apply. Display ads can be graphics, videos, interactive images (a quiz or a game), and expandable.
Display Network
What does Display Network mean?
Display network refers to a network of websites and apps that allow marketers to display ads on their pages. Google AdWords is a display network that consists of over 2 million websites and reaches over 90 percent of net consumers. Marketers can purchase ads, targeting consumers on the display network based on various criteria like keywords and topics, webpage placement, and remarketing.
Email Advertising
What does Email Advertising mean?
Clickable banner ads and links that appear within emails and e-newsletters.
Engagement Rate
What does Engagement Rate mean?
Engagement rate refers to the percentage of followers or viewers that engage with a post. In other words, engagement rate shows marketers/publishers how much people interact with their published piece. Various factors influence engagement such as users’ comments, share, likes, etc. Engagement rate is a metric strongly used in analyzing social media.
Exit Rate
What does Exit Rate mean?
Exit rate is a term used in website traffic analysis. In digital marketing, the exit rate is the percentage of visitors that visit a website that actively leaves from a specific website page to visit another website.
Expandable Banner
What does Expandable Banner mean?
Banners that increase in size when a user hovers over them.
Facebook Ads Manager
What does Facebook Ads Manager mean?
Facebook Ads Manager refers to a Facebook tool that marketers use to create and optimize Facebook social network campaigns. Marketers can create and run ads, target ads, and offers the capability to see the ad performances and billing summary, payment history, and payment method information.
Facebook Advertising
What does Facebook Advertising mean?
Facebook advertising refers to the Facebook ad network. Facebook users can market their brand, product, and/or service to reach consumers within the Facebook community. Facebook provides a range of ad types designed to be specific to the marketer’s goals. Facebook advertising is unique in the manner that audiences are made on vast demographic information from Facebook user information. Google and other ad networks use keywords.
Facebook Audience Insights
What does Facebook Audience Insights mean?
Facebook Audience Insights refers to a Facebook tool that marketers use to target audiences, including aggregate information regarding demographics, geography, consumer purchase behavior, and more. Facebook Audience Insights provides marketers with a look at trends about their current and potential customers across Facebook.
What does Frequency mean?
The number of times an ad is served to the same consumer during a specific time period. Since multiple users can often access the Internet from the same device, frequency is calculated based on the number of times an ad is delivered to a particular device’s browser.
Frequency Cap
What does Frequency Cap mean?
Frequency Cap refers to a restriction on the amount of times a specific visitor is shown a particular advertisement.
Frequency Capping
What does Frequency Capping mean?
Setting a limit on the number of times an ad should be shown to a consumer within a specific timeframe.
What does GDPR mean?
Commonly referred to by its acronym, GDPR is the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation. It became effective on May 25, 2018. We’ve produced quite a bit of information about the regulation, including podcasts, blog posts, eBooks, and webinars on our GDPR resource hub.
Geographic Targeting
What does Geographic Targeting mean?
Selecting an audience for a campaign based on zip codes, designated marketing area (DMA), cities, states, and countries.
What does Geo-Targeting mean?
Geo-Targeting refers to a method of detecting a website visitor’s location to serve location-based content or advertisements.
Google Ads
What does Google Ads mean?
Google Ads refers to the Google digital ads service. Google AdWords allows marketers to reach consumers through the Google search pages and their display networks. Advertisers bid on keywords and keyword phrases. The service provides marketers with different strategies to reach their marketing goals, such as bidding on keywords to display ads to show in the Google search pages results or on Google’s network of partner websites.
HTML Banner
What does HTML Banner mean?
HTML Banner refers to a banner ad using HTML elements, often including interactive forms, instead of (or in addition to) standard graphical elements.
What does Impression mean?
Impression refers to a single instance of an online advertisement being displayed.*
Impression Share
What does Impression Share mean?
Impression share refers to a term used in PPC advertising. The term represents a metric which represents a percentage of consumer ad views- the actual count of views of the ad over the possible times the ad could have been seen. For instance, if the PPC campaign’s impression share is 50 percent, then the ad has been shown 5 out of 10 possible times.
What does Impressions mean?
Impressions refer to a term used in Pay Per Click advertising. The term impression is used to represent the number of times a PPC ad was displayed to consumers.
Instagram Advertising
What does Instagram Advertising mean?
Instagram Advertising refers to paid advertising on the Instagram platform. The advertising is a paid advertising, meaning advertisers pay to have their ads displayed. Marketers can reach more significant and more targeted audiences. With Instagram advertising, marketers use images or videos with context for advertising.
In-Stream Video Ads
What does In-Stream Video Ads mean?
Video ads played before, during, or after the video content the publisher is delivering to the consumer.
What does Interstitial mean?
Interstitial refers to an advertisement that loads between two content pages.
Interstitial Ads
What does Interstitial Ads mean?
Ads that appear between two different content pages, served when a website visitor navigates from one page on a website to another. A best practice in mobile marketing is to avoid using an interstitial as a popup that blocks initial access. For example, when the user tries to access the Gotham Times on their mobile, they are interrupted by an interstitial ad (offering the Gotham Times app) that they have to either accept or close before they can proceed to the site.
Keyword Marketing
What does Keyword Marketing mean?
Keyword Marketing refers to a putting your message in front of people who are searching using particular keywords and keyphrases.
Landing Page
What does Landing Page mean?
Landing page refers to a destination page a net user is taken to after clicking on a link. Marketers use landing pages to direct the flow of traffic throughout their website as well as for lead generation.
What does Lead mean?
A potential customer. In digital advertising, a lead is someone who has given you their contact information, often by signing up for a newsletter or filling out a form to download an eBook or other gated content.
Lookalike Audience
What does Lookalike Audience mean?
If you’re like most businesses, you know who your customers are from a demographic and even psychographic point of view. A Lookalike Audience targets people who are similar to your existing customers which helps improve your conversion rates. You can use Lookalike Audiences when you’re running online display, Facebook, mobile display, or just about any other kind of digital marketing campaign.
Lookalike Audiences
What does Lookalike Audiences mean?
Lookalike audience refers to an option for marketers to target audiences with the Facebook advertising service. Marketers can use email lists or Facebook fans, etc., and from the list, the marketer provides, Facebook will sort out common characteristics among its members to display the marketer’s ad.
Mobile Advertising
What does Mobile Advertising mean?
Mobile advertising refers to the communication of products or services to mobile devices and smartphone consumers. Mobile advertising includes everything from short message service- SMS to interactive advertisements. It is marketing that targets mobile device users according to specific demographics. Mobile advertisements can be banner ads, long text ads, audio ads, video ads, tagline ads, interactive video and TV ads, etc.
Mobile Search
What does Mobile Search mean?
An internet search conducted on a mobile device.
Multivariate Testing
What does Multivariate Testing mean?
Multivariate Testing refers to a method in marketing research where multiple variables in a control scenario are simultaneously changed and the ensuing alternate strategies tested, in order to improve the effectiveness of the final marketing strategy.
Native Advertising
What does Native Advertising mean?
Any paid advertising that is indistinguishable in form from the channel being used to present it.
What does Overlay mean?
Advertising that floats over webpage content, graphics, or videos. Overlays cannot be blocked by ad-blocking software. One kind of overlay is called a lightbox. These ads begin as a standard, scalable ad unit. If a user engages by hovering over the ad for some set amount of time (often two seconds), the ad expands (to as much as near full-page), while the page behind it dims, increasing emphasis on the ad. Advertisers pay for the number of times the ad is expanded.
Page View
What does Page View mean?
Page View refers to a request to load a single HTML page.
Paid Advertising
What does Paid Advertising mean?
Paid advertising refers to paid ad and publication placements. Online paid advertising includes PPC advertising, display ads, and branded content. Paid advertising is strategic marketing that builds revenue growth and brand awareness. In other words, paid advertising is not organic advertising. Marketers pay to have their ads and content displayed.
Paid Search
What does Paid Search mean?
The placement of ads within search engine results.
Pay Per Click (PPC)
What does Pay Per Click (PPC) mean?
Pay Per Click (PPC) refers to a Pay per click refers to Google, or Facebook paid advertising. Marketers pay to display ads on the platforms; however, they are only charged a percentage of their investment when the ad is clicked. For instance, Google AdWords is Google’s PPC advertising platform. Marketers bid on keywords. When a bid is excepted, the marketer’s ad will appear in the paid search results or on websites across Google’s network. When the ad is clicked, the marketer will be charged for the click. The amount charged is the keyword bid amount or less.
Pay Per Lead (PPL)
What does Pay Per Lead (PPL) mean?
Pay Per Lead (PPL) refers to a digital ads payment model in which payment is based solely on qualifying leads.
Pay Per Sale (PPS)
What does Pay Per Sale (PPS) mean?
Pay Per Sale (PPS) refers to a digital ads payment model in which payment is based solely on qualifying sales.
Pay-Per-Click (PPC)
What does Pay-Per-Click (PPC) mean?
Pricing model where advertisers pay vendors or publishers based on the number of clicks received in a campaign.
Pinterest Advertising
What does Pinterest Advertising mean?
Pinterest advertising refers to Pinterest social media ad service. The social media platform provides marketers with the option pay to displays ads. Pinterest ads look like regular Pins only they are displayed to a broaden Pinterest audience. Pinterest users, also called Pinners, can save pins to various boards to revisit later. When the pin is a promoted pin, the user’s followers will also see the ad in their feeds.
What does Pop-Under mean?
Identical to a pop-up except it loads under your current webpage. It’s generally assumed to be less intrusive than a pop-up because visitors often don’t see it until after they’ve clicked to close their current browser session.
Pop-Under Ad
What does Pop-Under Ad mean?
Pop-Under Ad refers to an ad that displays in a new browser window behind the current browser window.
What does Pop-Up mean?
Opens in a new browser window that loads on top of the current webpage. Pop-ups are operated by a script (e.g., Javascript); thus, can be blocked and commonly are by a wide variety of available software.
Pop-Up Ad
What does Pop-Up Ad mean?
Pop-Up Ad refers to an ad that displays in a new browser window.
Programmatic Media Buying
What does Programmatic Media Buying mean?
An automated method of buying media that ensures that advertisers are reaching the right person, at the right time, in the right place. The ads are bought based on a set of parameters pre-defined by the company placing the ads. Programmatic advertising uses data to make decisions about which ads to buy in real-time, which improves efficiencies and increases the effectiveness of the ads. (See also, Ad Exchange.)
Quality Score
What does Quality Score mean?
Quality score refers to a Google AdWords’ rating specific to the quality and relevance of a PPC keywords in a campaign. Google scores on the content/ad copy, the landing page quality and relevance, and the expected click-through rate. Marketers benefit from a high-quality score as it helps in ad auctions, meaning a high score can result in a higher ad ranking in the search results and lower campaign costs.
Rate Card
What does Rate Card mean?
Rate Card refers to a document detailing prices for various ad placement options.
What does Reach mean?
The total number of people who see your message. One person who is served your ad five times and clicks on it once yields a reach of 1, 5 impressions, and a click-through rate of 20%.
Rectangle Ad
What does Rectangle Ad mean?
Rectangle Ad refers to any one of the large, rectangular banner sizes suggested by the IAB.
Reddit Marketing
What does Reddit Marketing mean?
Reddit marketing refers to an online platform that allows marketers to network with the submission of links, content, and to carry on conversations with Reddit users. Marketers can create branded AMAS- Ask me anything, create Reddit ads, and get involved in the website. Reddit is a community of entrepreneurs, businesses, and individuals that seek information about a variety of interest. Reddit marketing is for marketers that want to reach eager individuals through community involvement, advertising, and being the master of their niche with questions and answers. Reddit is the fourth most visited website in the US.
Relevance Score
What does Relevance Score mean?
Relevance score refers to a Facebook marketers score that is calculated on the positive and negative feedback that Facebook expects the ad to receive from the marketer’s target audience. In other words, Facebook scores the ad based on their prediction of the ad’s performance. The greater expectations of an ad, the higher the ad’s relevance score will be. Ads are scores between 1 and 10 with 1 being the lowest score an ad can receive.
What does Remarketing mean?
Remarketing refers to a type of paid ad that is shown to consumers after having viewed the product or visited a website. When a consumer visits a website, a “cookie” collects data and it is stores data of the visit in the visitor’s browser. When a visitor visits another website or is surfing the net, the cookie can allow remarketing ads to be displayed. Remarketing ads are attempts to keep the brand or product on the consumers’ minds and to get them back to their website to purchase the goods or services.
Rep Firm
What does Rep Firm mean?
Rep Firm refers to ad sales partner specializing primarily in single-site sales.
What does Retargeting/Remarketing mean?
Serving ads to people who have previously visited your website.
Rich Media
What does Rich Media mean?
Rich Media refers to interactive media such as quizzes, games, and ads with video and special effects that offers an enhanced experience relative to older, mainstream formats.
Run-Of-Network (RON)
What does Run-Of-Network (RON) mean?
Run-Of-Network (RON) refers to ad buying option in which ad placements may appear on any pages on websites within an ad network.
Run-Of-Site (ROS)
What does Run-Of-Site (ROS) mean?
Run-Of-Site (ROS) refers to ad buying option in which ad placements may appear on any pages on websites within an ad network.
Search Advertising
What does Search Advertising mean?
Another term for Paid Search.
Search Network
What does Search Network mean?
Search network refers to a group of websites that allows ad displays. For instance, Google’s Search Network is a group of both Google and non-Google websites that partner with Google to display ads. Advertisers typically pay to have their ads displayed across the network.
Search Retargeting
What does Search Retargeting mean?
Search Retargeting refers to the use of a website visitor’s search history as a basis for the ads that the visitor will see.
Self-Serve Advertising
What does Self-Serve Advertising mean?
Self-Serve Advertising refers to advertising that can be purchased without the assistance of a sales representative.
Skyscraper Ad
What does Skyscraper Ad mean?
Skyscraper Ad refers to an online ad significantly taller than the 120×240 vertical banner.
Social Advertising
What does Social Advertising mean?
Running paid ads on online social networking platforms, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Examples of native advertising include sponsored content on news websites and Facebook timeline ads.
Social Media Traffic
What does Social Media Traffic mean?
Social media traffic refers to a website, mobile website, or mobile app traffic from social media websites. In other words, the visitor is directed to the website from a social media platform. Social media platforms include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. When an ad or link is clicked from a social media website, the user is directed to the website, and their visit is considered social media traffic. Social media traffic can result from paid or organic advertising.
What does Sponsorship mean?
Sponsorship refers to advertising that seeks to establish a deeper association and integration between an advertiser and a publisher, often involving coordinated beyond-the-banner placements.
What does Stickiness mean?
Stickiness refers to the amount of time spent at a website over a given time period.
Surround Session
What does Surround Session mean?
Surround Session refers to advertising sequence in which a visitor receives ads from one advertiser throughout an entire website visit.
Target Audience
What does Target Audience mean?
Target audience refers to a specific group of people with shared characteristics that meet a marketer’s buyer personas. In other words, they are the audience that is likely to be the most interested in a marketer’s product or service and to purchase. Typically, a target audience is defined through demographic information.
Text Ad
What does Text Ad mean?
Text Ad refers to advertisement using text-based links.
Trick Banner
What does Trick Banner mean?
Trick Banner refers to a banner ad that attempts to trick people into clicking, often by imitating an operating system message.
Twitch Advertising
What does Twitch Advertising mean?
Twitch advertising refers to marketing on the Twitch interactive platform. Twitch is renown as a gamers’ platform. The website provides marketers with standard IAB display and video media as well as native and custom ads. The website reaches over 50 percent of the millennial males in America. Advertisers can create ads that interact with Twitch gamers and users.
What does Underdelivery mean?
Underdelivery refers to a delivery of less impressions, visitors, or conversions than contracted for a specified period of time.
Unique Value Proposition
What does Unique Value Proposition mean?
Unique value proposition, also referred to as a unique selling proposition, refers to the clear statement that describes the offered asset, the solutions to the prospect’s or customer’s needs, and what makes the company the best choice. A unique value proposition should be displayed on all marketers landing pages.
Unique Visitors
What does Unique Visitors mean?
Unique Visitors refers to a Unique visitors refers to a Web Analytics metric used to show the number of different, unique visitors to a website over a specific period. IP addresses are used to track unique visitors. Multiple visits by the same visitor will not be considered a unique visitor. Only the visitor’s first visit to a website classifies them as a unique visitor.
Vertical Banner
What does Vertical Banner mean?
Vertical Banner refers to a banner ad measuring 120 pixels wide and 240 pixels tall.
What does View-Through mean?
Used to measure a consumer’s behavior after they’ve been served an ad. If the view through the window is set to 90 days, the consumer’s relevant actions within that time period can be attributed to the ad. So, if a customer purchases a pair of headphones within 90 days of being served an ad for those headphones, the ad will get partial or full attribution for that purchase.
website Traffic
What does website Traffic mean?
website Traffic refers to the amount of visitors and visits a website receives.
YouTube Advertising
What does YouTube Advertising mean?
YouTube advertising refers to advertising on YouTube. YouTube offers marketers six advertising formats. Advertising formats include display ads, skippable video, overlay ads, non-skippable video ads, sponsored cards, and bumper ads. The Google AdWords platform allows marketers to create and run ads.
Email Marketing
What does Autoresponder mean?
Autoresponder refers to a program that sends an automatic form response to incoming emails.
Email Automation
What does Email Automation mean?
Email automation refers to a marketing system that uses software to send emails automatically. The system uses defined triggers like consumer purchases and email submissions to send emails. Multiple automated emails can be created for use in a sequence. For instance, when a customer purchases a good. The marketer can send a “Thank you” email and keep the customer’s retention with sending Email automation saves marketers time and aids in the marketing funnel.
Email List Segmentation
What does Email List Segmentation mean?
Email list segmentation refers to a marketing technique that splits or segments an email subscriber list. The technique is used for marketers to better focus on communications with their prospects and customers. By segmenting a list, a marketer can send more relevant emails specific to the people on their list.
Email Lists
What does Email Lists mean?
Email list refers to a collection of email addresses. Marketers use email addresses to target email campaigns. Typically, email lists are grouped by user classification. Classifying the email list allows marketers to focus on the type of communication with the consumer. For example, marketers can send one type/set of emails to prospects, while another type/set to customers. Classification allows marketers to better communicate with their prospects and customers.
Email Marketing
What does Email Marketing mean?
Email Marketing refers to a Email marketing refers to the use of email to convert prospects and customers to sales. Email marketing allows marketers to target their prospects and customers with personalized information on their brand, goods, and services to market.
Email Spam
What does Email Spam mean?
Email Spam refers to a unwanted, unsolicited email.
What does Ezine mean?
Ezine refers to an electronic magazine, whether delivered via website or an email newsletter.
HTML Email
What does HTML Email mean?
HTML Email refers to a email that is formatted using Hypertext Markup Language, as opposed to plain text email.
Lead Magnet
What does Lead Magnet mean?
Lead Magnet refers to a specific deliverable that is offered to prospects in return for contact information, typically to join an email list.
Opt-In Email
What does Opt-In Email mean?
Opt-In Email refers to a email that is explicitly requested by the recipient.
Pass-Along Rate
What does Pass-Along Rate mean?
Pass-Along Rate refers to the percentage of people who pass on a message or file.
Permission Marketing
What does Permission Marketing mean?
Permission Marketing refers to a marketing centered around obtaining customer consent to receive information from a company.
Viral Marketing
What does Viral Marketing mean?
Viral Marketing refers to a marketing phenomenon that facilitates and encourages people to pass along a marketing message.
Marketing (General)/strong>
B2B Digital Marketing
What does B2B Digital Marketing mean?
B2B digital marketing refers to digital technologies and strategies use to reach leads and convert customers. B2B is abbreviated for “Business 2 business.” B2B digital marketing methods allow marketers to focus on targeted, measurable, and interactive audiences. Products and services are promoted through different digital marketing methods like digital content marketing and social media marketing. This type of marketing is considered effective in building brand awareness, preference, and engage with prospects and customers. B2B digital marketing methods include search engine optimization, search engine marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, e-commerce marketing, data-driven marketing, campaign marketing, content automation, social media marketing, direct email marketing, social media optimization, eBooks, display advertising and optical disks and games.
B2C Digital Marketing
What does B2C Digital Marketing mean?
B2C Digital Marketing refers to the abbreviation for “business to consumer.” B2C digital marketing refers to the tactics and best practices marketers use to promote products and services to consumers. There are different ways to advertise online such as content marketing, banner marketing, and blogging. Businesses use B2C digital marketing to reach their consumer audiences.
What does Blog mean?
Blog refers to a frequent, chronological publication of personal thoughts and Web links.
Brand Awareness
What does Brand Awareness mean?
Brand awareness refers to the extent of consumer awareness (recall and recognition) of a brand and its related products. Brand awareness of a brand and its related products are built through various forms of advertising. Brand awareness is essential in business marketing practices as it measures the ability of consumers to recall a brand. Brand awareness is a primary consideration in consumer behavior, advertising management, brand management, and strategy development. Consumers will not purchase unless they are aware of the product category and awareness of the brand within the category is present.
Brand Equity
What does Brand Equity mean?
Brand equity refers to the value of a brand name. The concept of brand equity is the better known the brand name, the more business the brand generates. A highly established brand name generates more business. Less recognized brand names generate less business. Consumers associate quality and brand. A recognized brand name tends to be a trusted name. With this concept, the equity is in the brand name.
Brand Loyalty
What does Brand Loyalty mean?
Brand loyalty refers to the positive consumer attitudes towards a brand and consumer commitment to the brand. Brand loyalty is a faithful relationship between consumer and/or the brand, products, or business, regardless of competitor’s actions or product changes. Consumer brand loyalty is displayed in different ways, including brand product purchases and positive word of mouth advocacy.
Buyer Persona
What does Buyer Persona mean?
Buyer persona refers to a semi-fictional character or characters used by marketers to represent different buyer types and scenarios. These characters are created from market research and real data used by existing customers and leads. Personas used to represent real type consumers and customers that might visit the website, purchase a product, use the product, etc., in a similar manner. Marketers can combine personas with market segmentation. Qualitative personas are constructed to represent specific segments. Negative buyer personas can also be created and used to describe consumers and customers that marketers would like to avoid.
What does Buzzword mean?
Buzzword refers to a trendy word or phrase that is used more to impress than explain.
Comment Spam
What does Comment Spam mean?
Comment Spam refers to a irrelevant comments posted to a blog for the sole purpose of dropping a link to the spammer’s website.
Customer Experience
What does Customer Experience mean?
Customer experience refers to the organization and customer relationship quality throughout the consumer/customer and business relationship. The interaction consists of three parts: the customer journey, the customer and business interaction type (over the net, in person, on the telephone, etc.) and the customer environmental experience. A positive customer experience refers to a customer that is satisfied with all points of interaction/experiences with the business.
Customer Lifecycle
What does Customer Lifecycle mean?
Customer lifecycle refers to the reach, acquisition, conversion, retention, and loyalty of a customer when considering, purchasing, using, and maintaining a brand, product and/or service loyalty.
Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
What does Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) mean?
Customer lifetime value refers to a marketer’s prediction of the net profit attributed to an entire future of a customer relationship. Marketers use the prediction model which can include examining data and information to sophisticated predictive analytics techniques use. The CLV can be complex, sophisticated, and accurate.
Customer Pain Point
What does Customer Pain Point mean?
Customer Pain Point refers to a specific problem or issue that potential customers of a business are experiencing. Pain points are diverse and varied and likely unique to the potential customer. The main types of pain points include Financial pain points, productivity pain points, process pain points, and support pain points.
Demand Generation
What does Demand Generation mean?
Demand generation refers to an advertiser’s targeted marketing efforts to create a brand, product, and/or service awareness. Demand generation is often used in B2B, business to government, and B2C sales cycles. Marketers reach out to consumers and businesses through multiple marketing areas to create a solid foundation of programs combined with a structured sales process.
Digital Marketing Advertising
What does Digital Marketing Advertising mean?
Digital marketing advertising refers to a term used to associate digital technologies with marketing. Marketers engage in digital marketing advertising to promote brand, products, and services. Most often, the term is referring to online and mobile phone marketing. Digital marketing advertising is often referred to as digital marketing.
Digital Marketing Attribution Models
What does Digital Marketing Attribution Models mean?
Digital marketing attribution models refers to a marketer’s identification of specific user actions that reach the marketer’s goals. For instance, the steps that lead up to a sale. Marketers identify consumer actions and set a value on each action. Marketers can better visualize and understand consumer behaviors and the value of the steps that lead to a sale.
Digital Marketing Automation
What does Digital Marketing Automation mean?
Digital marketing automation refers to existing software designed to automate marketing actions. Marketers often automate repetitive tasks like email campaigns, social media, and other website actions. With marketing automation business tasks are more manageable and less time-consuming. Marketing automation allows online businesses to buy & sell and convert consumers to customers.
Digital Marketing Channels
What does Digital Marketing Channels mean?
Digital marketing channels refers to digital advertising sources like search engines, websites, mobile apps, email, social media, etc. Digital technologies like the Internet are used to market goods and services. Digital marketing channels allow marketers to target audiences, build brand awareness, and boost sales.
Digital Marketing Dashboard
What does Digital Marketing Dashboard mean?
Digital marketing dashboard refers to a software that provides marketers with valuable information regarding their online marketing activities. Digital marketing activities span multiple channels. Dashboards focus on lead generation stats and progress made towards monthly goals.
Digital Marketing Goals
What does Digital Marketing Goals mean?
Digital marketing goals refers to a term used for the specific, quantitative, and interactive marketing of products and services. The marketing engages digital technologies to identify and reach consumers. To convert consumers into customers, and to build brand and customer loyalty. With an boost in brand awareness, interaction with customers, and boostd sales, marketers reach their goals.
Digital Marketing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
What does Digital Marketing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) mean?
Digital marketing KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) refers to the use of values to track and measure marketing campaign performances. KPIs are part of a marketer’s marketing strategy. The values may be assigned to different areas of business, including productivity and financial structures. Marketing teams create KPIs to plan future marketing strategies. Business areas and target goals are prioritized to select indicators that will be most effective in building a marketing strategy. Metrics and data are used to predict future campaign performances.
Digital Marketing Metrics
What does Digital Marketing Metrics mean?
Digital marketing metrics refers to a marketer’s or marketing team’s use of value to measure and track marketing campaign success. Marketers use various tools to track the campaign results. Data-driven digital marketing metrics include web traffic sources, cost per lead, brand awareness, returning visitors, website traffic leads, online conversion rates, customer lifetime value, and click thru rate.
Digital Marketing Plan
What does Digital Marketing Plan mean?
Digital marketing plan refers to a structured digital marketing promotional plan. The plan is strategic and used to promote brand, products, and services. Digital technologies are used to promote to the marketer’s ideal audience for the best conversion rate
Digital Marketing Proposal
What does Digital Marketing Proposal mean?
Digital marketing proposal refers to a brand, product, or service information and pricing provided to a consumer from a business or salesperson. A proposal is used in digital marketing to provide specific information and pricing on products and services a consumer or business is interested in purchasing. Proposals are used to lead up to a sale. Marketers or a salesperson will draw up a proposal that will include an expiration date, honoring their proposal for a specific timeframe.
Digital Marketing Qualified Lead (DMQL)
What does Digital Marketing Qualified Lead (DMQL) mean?
Digital marketing qualified lead refers to a consumer or business that possesses the characteristics and criteria that categorizes them as a possible sale. DMQLs show interest in the marketer’s brand, product or service. Interest may be obtaining information on a product through a marketer’s webpage. Marketers score leads, using a metric to determine the quality of the lead and where the consumer/business is in the buying cycle.
Digital Marketing Segmentation
What does Digital Marketing Segmentation mean?
Digital marketing segmentation refers to a marketing strategy of sub-grouping customers, consumers and prospects from a broad consumer or business market. Characteristics are used to classify the groups. Characteristics are based on shared characteristics like past purchases, requesting information on a product or service, common interests, lifestyles, etc. Dividing customers and consumers into segments allow marketers to better focus on high yield groups- customers, consumers and businesses that are likely to purchase and have higher growth potential.
Digital Marketing Strategies
What does Digital Marketing Strategies mean?
Digital marketing strategies refer to structured marketing plans. Marketers strategically plan their digital marketing campaigns using digital marketing techniques like PPC and content marketing for useful results. Digital marketing strategies are considered the marketing actions that help marketers achieve their marketing goals; and, online channels are used to reach those goals. Digital marketing channels include paid, organic, and owned media.
What does Disintermediation mean?
Disintermediation refers to the elimination of intermediaries in the supply chain, also referred to as “cutting out the middlemen.”
Event Marketing
What does Event Marketing mean?
Event marketing refers to the promotion of a brand, product or service through promotional events. The marketing includes direct interaction of representatives with consumers. Event marketing is considered part of experiential marketing and content marketing. Experiential marketing follows the process of corporate storytelling to grab consumer interest and engage the audience.
First-Mover Advantage
What does First-Mover Advantage mean?
First-Mover Advantage refers to a sometimes insurmountable advantage gained by the first significant company to move into a new market.
What does Freemium mean?
Freemium refers to a technique where a business offers a free basic product, giving the customer an option to use an advanced version for a premium cost.
Guerilla Marketing
What does Guerilla Marketing mean?
Guerilla Marketing refers to a unconventional marketing intended to get maximum results from minimal resources.
Guest Blogging
What does Guest Blogging mean?
Guest Blogging refers to a writing a blog post to be published on another blog as a temporary featured author.
Inbound Marketing
What does Inbound Marketing mean?
Inbound Marketing refers to a marketing model whose sales performance relies on the initiative of its client base to find and purchase a product.
Instagram Stories
What does Instagram Stories mean?
Instagram stories refers to a story of a video or picture post. In other words, an Instagram member posts a picture or video with a story on their profile page. Instagram displays the post with a colorful ring around the profile picture and users can tap it to read the member’s story. Once tapped, the picture or photo will appear in a row at the top of the followers’ feeds, and it can be tapped to read the story.
Instagram TV
What does Instagram TV mean?
Instagram TV refers to an Instagram features an app that allows users to share and view a video. Instagram TV format is like Instagram Stories with the difference being the length of content a user can upload. With Instagram TV, up to an hour of content and video can be uploaded and the videos will not be erased from the user’s account after 24 hours. Instagram TV is accessible either from the standard Instagram app or a separate IGTV app.
Interactive Agency
What does Interactive Agency mean?
Interactive Agency refers to an agency offering a mix of Web design/development, Internet advertising/marketing, or E-Business/E-Commerce consulting.
Knowledge Gap
What does Knowledge Gap mean?
Knowledge gap refers to a hypothesis that knowledge like other forms of wealth is not always evenly distributed through a social system. In other words, sectors such as middle class and upper class will have more excellent knowledge of published media then the lower class. The “gap” is the gap in knowledge, lack of, or greater knowledge.
Live Streaming
What does Live Streaming mean?
Live streaming refers to the real-time, live video broadcasted to an internet audience. To live stream, an Internet-enabled device is necessary. Internet devices include desktops, laptops, tablets, and a broadcasting platform.
Marketing Automation
What does Marketing Automation mean?
Marketing Automation refers to the use of software to automate repetitive tasks related to marketing activities and connect different parts of the marketing funnel.
Marketing Plan
What does Marketing Plan mean?
Marketing Plan refers to the part of the business plan outlining the marketing strategy for a product or service.
Network Effect
What does Network Effect mean?
Network Effect refers to the phenomenon whereby a service becomes more valuable as more people use it, thereby encouraging ever-increasing numbers of adopters.
Pinterest Marketing
What does Pinterest Marketing mean?
Pinterest marketing refers to marketing on the Pinterest social media platform. Advertisers place images on the platform and users, called “Pinners,” save the pins that contain links, descriptions, and images on various boards for later use. Marketers can upload “pins,” which contain images and links for consumers to discover their products via the social media platform. Pinterest has over 200 million active users. Of Pinterest users, 98 percent claim they try new things they discover on Pinterest. Studies also show that 39 percent of Pinterest users are more likely to be active shoppers than non-pinners; and, spend approximately 29 percent more than shoppers that do not use Pinterest.
What does Podcast mean?
Podcast refers to a series of audio or video files that are syndicated over the Internet and stored on client computing devices for later playback.
Return on investment (ROI)
What does Return on investment (ROI) mean?
Return on investment (ROI) refers to a ROI refers to the abbreviation for Return on Investment. For an advertiser to have a positive ROI, the advertiser must have a higher revenue for the campaign than their campaign out of pocket expenses. In other words, a marketer must make more money on the campaign then they spend.
Sales Accepted Lead
What does Sales Accepted Lead mean?
Sales accepted lead refers to a qualified marketing lead that reaches a sales team after the lead has been reviewed as a genuine lead and passed to the sales team for approval. In other words, a sales accepted lead is a lead that must be reviewed and identified as meeting the defined standards for a qualified lead and then passed to the sales team for them to approve the lead. The BANT method is often used to qualify a sale. BANT stands for budget, authority, need, and timeframe.
Sales Cycle
What does Sales Cycle mean?
Sales cycle refers to the process of a business/company selling to a consumer. It refers to each activity associated with closing a sale. The steps used are not specific. Each company can have a set of steps and activities they use in the sales cycle. However, each step works to close the sale. The average sales cycle is the length of time from the first knowledge of the prospect such as a lead to closing the sale. The sales cycle typically has seven steps- knowledge, prospecting, approach, needs assessment, presentation, close, and follow up.
What does Slidedecks mean?
Slidedecks refer to a presentation that explains something in step by step process. A slide can be a single page or a group of slides which is referred to as a slide deck and used for presentation purposes. Typically, a presentation program like Microsoft PowerPoint is used for the presentation.
Twitch Live Streaming
What does Twitch Live Streaming mean?
Twitch live streaming refers to streaming video on the Twitch interactive platform. To live stream, Twitch recommends users have no less than an Intel Core i5-4670 processor, 8GB of RAM and Windows 7 or newer. Twitch Live streaming primarily focuses on video game live streaming, including broadcasts of eSports competitions. Users can also live creative stream content, music broadcasts, and “in real life” streams.
Twitter Promote Mode
What does Twitter Promote Mode mean?
Twitter promote mode refers to an “always on, amplification engine” which boosts tweets and profiles automatically. For marketers, Twitter promote mode is consistent for attracting and reaching more followers.
Video Marketing
What does Video Marketing mean?
Video marketing refers to a marketing strategy that integrates video with advertising. Video marketing is used for various types of promotion such as customer testimonials, how to videos, interactive videos, live stream events, and video advertisements.
What does Vlog mean?
Vlog refers to a blog that publishes video content.
What does Webinars mean?
Webinars refer to an online seminar. The webinar or online seminar can be created to inform, train, or sell to an audience of net viewers interested in the brand, product, or service. Marketing webinars typically involve a sign-up form on a marketer’s website or email to view the presentation. Employee webinars are most often through the employer or their training teams.
White Papers
What does White Papers mean?
White papers refer to an advanced problem-solving guide. White papers are an authoritative, in-depth, persuasive report on a specific topic with a problem and solution. In marketing, white papers are used to educate audiences about a particular issue or to promote a mythology.
Search Engine Optimization
Anchor Text
What does Anchor Text mean?
Anchor text refers to the clickable words in a link. Anchor text is used in SEO practices as a ranking signal to Google. The link provides context linking the display to another document or website on the net. Search engine and users can collect information on the link’s destination via link information.
What does Backlink mean?
A backlink refers to a link that is linked to another website. An HTML Href Code connects the two links. websites with strong backlinks are ranked higher by Google. The concept is that websites backlinked to established and trusted websites offer higher ranking potential. Google authority is gained via the backlinks. Backlinks are also called incoming links, inbound links, in links, and inward links. The links are incoming links to a website or page.
Bing Webmaster Tools
What does Bing Webmaster Tools mean?
Bing webmaster tools refers to a free Bing service. The service provides webmasters the option to add websites to the Bing index crawler. The tools are categorized for easy reference. Each is designed to help marketers succeed in the Bing search pages results. To engage in the service, sign up is necessary. The tools include a personal marketer’s dashboard for easy view of website/s performance and to identify areas that need emphasis. The tools offer website owners an easier way to understand and analyze website performance through reporting tools, diagnostic tools, and notifications.
Black Hat SEO
What does Black Hat SEO mean?
Black hat SEO refers to an unethical digital marketer or SEO marketing methods used to rank a website higher in the search engine results page. The practice lowers the rankings of competitor websites and boosts the rank of the unethical advertiser website/s. Spammy tactics are used that include mass directory link building, article spinning, and negative SEO like negative reviews left on a competitor. It is malicious marketing tactics for personal gain (higher website status.) Hacking competitors’ websites are also considered black hat SEO. Search engine providers like Google consider optimization tactics that are deceptive or do not conform to their guidelines to be black hat methods.
Canonical Element
What does Canonical Element mean?
A canonical element or rel=canonical refers to an HTML element that webmasters use to prevent duplicate content issues. The code RFC 6596 is added into the HTML head of a webpage. The code is used to alert Google crawlers of duplicate page content. The canonical (preferred) version of a page is the original content of the page and is specified as part of search engine optimization credit to the webmaster. Duplicated content should point to the canonical to the source URL, providing SEO credit to the original source or website/page.
Click Maps
What does Click Maps mean?
A click map refers to a graphic representation of website areas where visitors click. For instance, your website may be a digital marketing e-commerce website that sells software and services. The website’s product and service pages categorized. Your click map will track user activity for images, text, buttons, and page elements visitors click for each page. Various tools are used to generate a click map. Click maps provide marketers with easier interpretation and analysis for tracking website data. The displayed data format will depend on the tool used to generate the click map.
Competitive Analysis
What does Competitive Analysis mean?
Competitive analysis refers to an analysis of a business and their competitive environment. In digital marketing, competitive analysis refers to the analysis of online competitors. This analysis includes competitor strengths and weaknesses. Marketers can also analyze their own strengths and weaknesses. Demographics & consumers marketplace desires, marketplace business strategies for position improvement, obstructing barriers that limit the marketer or business from entering new markets, and deterrents that prevent competitors and consumers from destroying the business’s place in the market.
Content Marketing
What does Content Marketing mean?
Content marketing refers to the creation and distribution of material online. For instance content, blogs, videos, and social media posts. Content marketing is created to provide users with information, so it does not explicitly promote a brand.
Content Upgrade
What does Content Upgrade mean?
Content upgrade refers to bonus content provided to consumers in exchange for their email address. Content upgrades are considered unique in the manner that the emails are not used for a mailing list. They are to provide requested information offered through the website and specific to a topic or subject specific to the website or visitor interest.
Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)
What does Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) mean?
Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) refers to a digital marketing branch. The branch goal is to boost page/s conversion rates. The higher the page conversion rate, the more profitable the page. Marketers use strategies to dominate visitor behavior. Consumer psychology with marketing and web design is combined. The CRO of the two versions is tested with an AB test to determine which variation is more effective for higher conversion rates.
What does Crawler mean?
Crawler refers to an internet bot (automated piece of software) that scans websites. The bot is a systematic program typically used to index websites. The crawler “crawls” through code. Crawlers can also be referred to as “spiders.” Google is a search engine that uses crawlers to locate new content and to evaluate webpage quality for rank scoring purposes.
Deep Linking
What does Deep Linking mean?
Deep Linking refers to a linking to a page other than a website’s home page.
Description Tag
What does Description Tag mean?
Description Tag refers to an HTML tag used by page authors to provide a description for search engine listings.
Digital Marketing
What does Digital Marketing mean?
Digital marketing refers to a term used to associate marketing techniques with digital technologies like the Internet. The term is used for online marketing practices such as SEO, CRO, PPC, blogging, web design, content marketing, and all other forms of online marketing. Internet streaming of video with advertisements can also be a form of digital marketing.
Digital Marketing Funnels
What does Digital Marketing Funnels mean?
Digital marketing funnels refer to a five-stage consumer buying process. The five stages include brand, product, or service exposure, discovery, consideration, conversion, and customer relationship- retention and loyalty. Exposure includes SEO, content marketing, banners, PPC, and a following/community. Discovery is when consumers find the brand, product or service. Consideration is when consumers begin to consider a purchase. Conversion is the purchase, and customer relationship is the marketer’s follow-up to create brand retention and brand loyalty. The completion of successful marketing funnels creates customer loyalty and repeat customers.
Digital Marketing Report
What does Digital Marketing Report mean?
Digital marketing report refers to a report used by marketers to track essential metrics for campaign insight. Digital marketing reports help marketers to measure the strengths and weaknesses of their campaigns effectively. Marketers can include their goals and the efforts used to reach their marketing goals. Reports can include various data like the total marketing reach grew by x% and direct website traffic boostd by x%. Charts and graphs are also used to show trends and context. Leads by source, page views, marketing reach, etc. can all be tracked and visualized. Marketing campaigns can be broken down by SEO, social media, PPC, and email marketing campaigns.
Digital Marketing Services
What does Digital Marketing Services mean?
Digital marketing services refers to a digital marketing company or provider. Digital marketing services are often called SEO services, companies, or providers. They are online marketing specialists to promote the businesses online through digital channels like websites, SEO, PPC, content marketing, and social media.
Digital Marketing Tactics
What does Digital Marketing Tactics mean?
Digital marketing tactics refer digital techniques that are used to reach targeted audiences. Marketers use various techniques like building content & keyword rich websites, content marketing, and PPC campaigns to build brand awareness, and engage in social media. Digital marketing tactics include SEO, social media marketing, email list management, keyword/competitive analysis, reputation management, and article writing and blogging.
Digital Marketing Tools
What does Digital Marketing Tools mean?
Digital Marketing Tools: Digital marketing tools refers to specific digital media- computer software technology that allows marketers to reach consumers with targeted, measurable communications. Digital marketing tools include SEO, interactive online advertisements, mobile marketing, opt-in email, and online partnerships like sponsorships and affiliate marketing. Web analytics are combined with the use of digital marketing tools and used to track and visualize campaign results, collect data, and inform marketers with users’ online activities, IP addresses and search keywords. With combining digital marketing tools and web analytics, marketers can use information collected to create a targeted marketing campaign better.
Direct Traffic
What does Direct Traffic mean?
Direct traffic refers to a net user going directly to a webpage. In other words, the net user types a URL into their browser or uses a bookmark to access a website. Direct traffic is considered website visitors that reach a page without clicking on an ad, being enticed by a CTA, or responding to an email, or some other form of previous advertisement. Google Analytics provides a summary of traffic, consumer behaviors, and conversions from organic, referral, paid email, social, direct, etc. channels.
Dofollow Backlinks
What does Dofollow Backlinks mean?
Dofollow refers to a phrase that denotes the absence of a link of a “nofollow” tag. links include a “Dofollow” tag until a “Nofollow” piece of code is attached to the link. Dofollow tags pass SEO equity a destination URL. Nofollow tags do not. Equity helps build Google rank.
Doorway Domain
What does Doorway Domain mean?
Doorway Domain refers to a domain used specifically to rank well in search engines for particular keywords, serving as an entry point through which visitors pass to the main domain.
Doorway Page
What does Doorway Page mean?
Doorway Page refers to a page made specifically to rank well in search engines for particular keywords, serving as an entry point through which visitors pass to the main content.
Feature Snippets
What does Feature Snippets mean?
Features snippet refers to a piece of website information pulled by Google to place in search results. The information is summarized and is designed to show quick answers to common and simple queries. Featured snippets refer to the display at the top of search results with a link to the source. Google programmatically pulls relevant information from an authoritative website. Featured snippets are most often displayed for question queries such as “What is _____?”
Google Algorithm
What does Google Algorithm mean?
Google algorithm refers to a mathematical system that is designed for Google search engines to determine where websites will be positioned in the search result pages. The algorithm is also referred to as the “Core” algorithm. Google updates the algorithm approximately 500 to 600 times per year or two times per day. With the update, website positions can fluctuate from day to day. Google’s actual algorithm is kept a secret so that webmasters and marketers cannot manipulate the system to gain higher rankings. Google does provide webmasters and marketers with guidelines on how to appear higher in the search result pages.
Google Analytics
What does Google Analytics mean?
Google analytics refers to a Google software platform. The Google-created software is designed for marketers to analyze nearly all aspects of website users through the Google Marketing Platform. This includes website traffic, user metrics, conversions, historical data comparisons, and the effectiveness of each marketing channel can be managed with the Google Analytics tools.
Google Data Studio
What does Google Data Studio mean?
Google Data Studio refers to a free tool from Google that lets users make custom reports with data from Google’s marketing services and external sources.
Google Hummingbird
What does Google Hummingbird mean?
Google Hummingbird refers to an industry nickname given to the first extensive overhaul to the Google search algorithm. The overhaul was unique from that of Panda and Penguin as it changed the way Google interpreted user search queries completely. Before the update, users would mostly have search pages results based on specific keyword matching. Since the update, Google search users have a precise search based on their keywords search. For instance, a search for “how to steam vegetables without using a steamer” will provide results directly related to the search phrase. Before the update, the results may have included ways to steam vegetables in a steamer.
Google Instant
What does Google Instant mean?
Google Instant refers to a feature of Google’s search engine that shows search results as the keyword query is being typed.
Google My Business
What does Google My Business mean?
Google My Business refers to a Google platform that allows marketers to create a Google business page. Marketers can input information to appear in the search pages results, location searches, map packs, and more. The company name and information, website link, hours of operation, and reviews are also managed through the Google platform. Google My Business is ideal for local SEO campaigns as the company information appears in the Google Search Results when the company name is typed into the browser.
Google Panda
What does Google Panda mean?
Google Panda refers to a Google algorithm update that was constructed to analyze better the quality of a website’s on page content. The Google Panda update was originally released on February 2011. Google continues to update the release periodically. The update determines if page and website content is relevant to queries. It also adjusts website rankings accordingly to the quality of page content. The algorithm is now assimilated to Google’s core search algorithm, and it includes the ability to assess content quality in real time.
Google Penguin
What does Google Penguin mean?
Google Penguin refers to a Google algorithm update. The algorithm update revamped search result queries to be more specific. The algorithm allows Google to determine a user’s location when a search is performed in the engines. For example, a user enters a search for “Starbucks.” The results pull the nearest Starbuck restaurants to the user’s location. The algorithm has a strong impact to generate local business and provide convenience for users.
Google Search Console
What does Google Search Console mean?
Google search console refers to a free Google tool available to webmasters. The Google search console was formerly known as Webmaster Tools. The Google search console includes various areas for marketers to analyze data and determine how their website is performing. Search console is different than Analytics as it does not measure traffic. The console provides a website’s visibility on search pages and indexability by Google crawler bots. Metrics search console measures CTR, the number of indexed website pages, and dead links, and more.
What does Heatmap mean?
Heatmap refers to a Heatmap refers to a graphic representation of how visitors to a website interact while on the website. Heat mapping is a software that allows webmasters to track visitor clicks on a page, where they clicked on the page, how the visitors stroll a page, and what they hover over while on a page. Heatmaps help marketers to determine how visitors behave while on their website. Heat mapping assists in collecting visitor behavior data that allows them to better design and optimize their website.
Inbound Link
What does Inbound Link mean?
Inbound Link refers to a link from a website outside of your website.
Invisible Web
What does Invisible Web mean?
Invisible Web refers to the portion of the Web not accessible through search engines.
What does Keyword mean?
A specific word or phrase chosen by advertisers to trigger and include their ad within search engine results. The advertiser doing contextual advertising also chooses keywords, so that their ad will show up within pages that are returned for that keyword. In search advertising, the position of the ad within the results is determined by bidding. The highest bidder on a keyword usually gets the top position.
Keyword Density
What does Keyword Density mean?
Keyword Density refers to keywords as a percentage of indexable text words.
Keyword Phrases
What does Keyword Phrases mean?
Keyword phrases refer to a group of two or more words that are used to market and find information in search engines. For instance, a net user wants information on digital marketing. The user types into their browser “digital marketing.” The search results pull digital marketing information and businesses. Keyword phrases allow users and marketers to string words together to find more specific information.
Keyword Research
What does Keyword Research mean?
Keyword Research refers to the search for keywords related to your website, and the analysis of which ones yield the highest return on investment (ROI).
Keyword Stuffing
What does Keyword Stuffing mean?
Keyword Stuffing refers to the excessive, unnatural use of keywords on a page for search engine optimization purposes.
What does Keywords mean?
Keywords refer to a word, or phrase marketers use in page and marketing content. Google and other search engines recognize keywords in search browsers and SEO content. For instance, a user types in a keyword to complete a search. Google recognizes the keyword and scans content related to the keyword. Marketers that focus on SEO are recognized in the search engines through their keywords.
Keywords Density
What does Keywords Density mean?
Keyword density refers to the number of times/percentage a keyword appears on a webpage compared to the total word count of the page.
Keywords Research
What does Keywords Research mean?
Keyword research refers to a practice search engine optimization used by marketers to research alternative search terms Internet users type into their search engine browser when searching for information. Keywords relevant to their topic are researched and used to achieve better search engine rankings. Once a marketer finds a niche keyword, the marketer will expand on it to find more relevant keywords.
Keywords Stuffing
What does Keywords Stuffing mean?
Keyword stuffing refers to the overuse of keywords in a page. Keyword stuffing is considered a tactic to manipulate search engines. The tactic is frowned upon, and marketers that engage in keyword stuffing can be penalized from Google or an algorithmic devaluation in a search.
Keywords Tag
What does Keywords Tag mean?
Keywords Tag refers to a META tag used to help define the primary keywords of a page.
Landing Page Optimization
What does Landing Page Optimization mean?
Landing page optimization refers to the process of improving elements on a website to boost conversions. Landing pages are a key component of Internet marketing. The landing page is designed to provide information and generate sales or capture leads. Marketers often use landing pages in paid marketing campaigns.
Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)
What does Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) mean?
LSI refers to the abbreviation for latent semantic indexing. Latent semantic indexing is a method of search engine indexing that creates a liaison between words and phrases to structure a better understanding of a text’s subject matter. LSI provides search engines with the capability to provide better results to queries.
Lead Nurturing
What does Lead Nurturing mean?
Lead nurturing refers to a potential customer in the sales funnel. The consumer is considered a lead because he or she has shown interest in the business or brand. Through the consumer’s interest/communication in the product or service, the intent to purchase is present. Communication includes a call, online form fill, or email.
Link Building
What does Link Building mean?
Link Building refers to the process of increasing the number of inbound links to a website in a way that will boost search engine rankings.
Link Checker
What does Link Checker mean?
Link Checker refers to a tool used to check for broken links.
Link Popularity
What does Link Popularity mean?
Link Popularity refers to a measure of the quantity and quality of websites that link to your website.
Link Profile
What does Link Profile mean?
Link profile refers to the cumulative grouping of backlinks directed to a website. A link profile is used to determine different aspects of a website, such as its power and trust in the search engines. It can also be used for the subject matter and content of a website. Search engines like Google use link profiles to help determine where websites rank in the search results. It is important for links to be trusted to receive SEO ranking. For example, if a webmaster has a high number of links from websites that are not trusted, have adult content, or spammy, the link profile will not have the strength for Google to consider the website reputable.
Link Text
What does Link Text mean?
Link Text refers to the text contained in (and sometimes near) a link.
What does Linkbait mean?
Linkbait refers to a piece of content created with the primary purpose of attracting inbound links.
Local SEO
What does Local SEO mean?
Local SEO refers to local search engine optimization. Local search engine optimization is similar to search engine optimization as it is to create visibility website or webpage visibility in the organic search engine results pages. Marketers use local SEO to market their business locally. In other words, local SEO is used to help businesses promote their products and services to local customers.
Log File
What does Log File mean?
Log File refers to a file that records the activity on a Web server.
Long Tail Keywords
What does Long Tail Keywords mean?
Long tail keywords refers to a keyword phrase that is longer in length and is more specific in matching a user search query. A long tail keyword is not searched as often as short keyword phrases; however, when searched it has a higher search intent. For marketers, long tail keywords are advantageous as, most often, there is less competition using the keyword.
Manual Submission
What does Manual Submission mean?
Manual Submission refers to adding a URL to the search engines individually by hand.
Map Packs
What does Map Packs mean?
Map pack refers to Google search results page that features a section that includes three businesses listed in a local map section. The map pack is displayed when a search query for a local intent, a “near me” search, or general business is performed.
Meta Descriptions
What does Meta Descriptions mean?
Meta descriptions refer to a meta tag that provides a page description in 160 characters or less. A meta description is an essential webpage aspect as it is what appears in the Google search results as well as other search engine results.
Meta Keywords
What does Meta Keywords mean?
Meta keywords refer to a specific type of meta tag that appears in a webpage HTML code. The meta keywords are used to help search engines to understand the webpage topic. Meta keywords appear in the source code of a page and not on the visible page.
Meta Tag Generator
What does Meta Tag Generator mean?
Meta Tag Generator refers to a tool that will output META tags based on input page information.
Meta Tags
What does Meta Tags mean?
Meta Tags refers to a Meta tags refers to HTML snippets added to a page’s code for web crawlers and search engines to better recognize the page content. Metadata is used for search engines to help decide relevant information from a webpage to display in search results. Meta tags include various page information such as when that page was published, the page author and title, and image descriptions.
Metasearch Engine
What does Metasearch Engine mean?
Metasearch Engine refers to a search engine that displays results from multiple search engines.
Mobile First Index
What does Mobile First Index mean?
Mobile first index refers to the Google ranking of mobile content for indexing and ranking. With mobile first indexing, Google predominantly uses the mobile version of the content for indexing and ranking a website. In the past, the index primarily used the desktop version of a page’s content when scoring the relevance of a page to a user’s query. Today, a majority of Web users access Google through their mobile devices. The index mainly crawls and indexes mobile version of a page’s content going forward.
Mobile Page Optimization
What does Mobile Page Optimization mean?
Mobile page optimization refers to mobile SEO best practices to ensure a website is designed to account for various screen sizes and load times. In other words, it is an optimization that provides a full view of a website on any size screen.
Niche Marketing
What does Niche Marketing mean?
Niche marketing refers to a concentrated type of marketing. It is strategic marketing that is used to target distinct audiences. The idea of niche marketing is to target smaller segments of the online population for more significant marketing results. Marketers identify the needs, wants, and requirements of a group of consumers to target the consumers strategically.
Nofollow Links
What does Nofollow Links mean?
Nofollow links refers to a value that can be assigned to the rel attribute of an HTML link that communicates with web crawlers and search engines. A nofollow is to inform web crawler and search engines that the link is not entitled to SEO equity. In other words, the link should not influence the rankings of the website. Google guidelines state that any link that is unnatural such as a paid press release or a duplicate website should have a nofollow tag.
On Page SEO
What does On Page SEO mean?
On page SEO refers to the practice of optimizing individual pages to rank higher in the search engines. Ranking higher most often equivalates to generating more traffic. Keyword and phrase base for more relevant traffic. On page SEO is referring to the content and HTML source code of a page that marketers can optimize for better search ranking and results.
On Site SEO
What does On Site SEO mean?
AKA “On page SEO” refers to the practice of optimizing individual pages to rank higher in the search engines. Ranking higher most often equivalates to generating more traffic. Keyword and phrase base for more relevant traffic. On page SEO is referring to the content and HTML source code of a page that marketers can optimize for better search ranking and results.
Organic Search
What does Organic Search mean?
Organic Search refers to the unpaid entries in a search engine results page that were derived based on their contents’ relevance to the keyword query.
Organic Search Traffic
What does Organic Search Traffic mean?
Organic search traffic refers to a traffic source to a website that results from non-paid search engine results. Google and other search engines use various factors to rank websites for search engine results. Ranking factors include organic SEO. Organic SEO includes content marketing, blogging, press releases, reviews, social media, and backlinks.
Outbound Link
What does Outbound Link mean?
Outbound Link refers to a link to a website outside of your website.
Page Speed
What does Page Speed mean?
Page speed refers to a Google Inc. family of tools. The tools are designed to help aid in website performance optimizations. The four main components of page speed are Page Speed Module, Page Speed Insights, Page Speed Service and Page Speed Chrome DevTools extension. Each of the tools is constructed to recognize any issues in a website’s compliance with Google’s best practices and to automate the adjustment process.
What does Penalty mean?
Penalty refers to an infraction issued to webmasters for breaking Google guidelines. Webmasters receive the infraction through Search Console and can be as serious as website removal from search engine results. Google requires that the issues be fixed before the penalty is lifted. Once the penalty is lifted, there is no guarantee that a website will return to its previous rankings in the search results. A penalty can also refer to an algorithmic penalty. An algorithmic penalty is a misnomer; meaning, the website may be performing poorly due to an issue discovered by Google’s algorithm. An algorithm penalty is considered a ranking problem, not a Google penalty.
What does Portal mean?
Portal refers to a website featuring a suite of commonly used services, serving as a starting point and frequent gateway to the Web (Web portal) or a niche topic (vertical portal).
What does Position mean?
Position refers to the Google search results placement. The position is where a website is positioned in the search pages results for a specific query.
Private Blog Network (PBN)
What does Private Blog Network (PBN) mean?
PBN refers to the abbreviation for a private blog network. PBN is known as a link network. The private blog network is a collection of private websites that link to one another. PBN is not an approved Google SEO tactic as the networks are built with the intent to manipulate search engines by adding links to a website’s link profile.
What does Queries mean?
Queries refer to a term used for an Internet user that types keywords and phrases into a search engine to search a topic. An example of a query is typing “How to find local mechanics” into a search engine. The results would be on how to find local mechanics and local mechanics.
What does Rankings mean?
Rankings refers to a general term associated with the position of a website in the search engine results. A website is never “guaranteed” to be in a top position or the last pages of the search engine results. SEO and website quality influence the position of a website greatly. A ranking is specific to a keyword, so a marketer/webmaster can have a website with keywords that rank on the first page of the search results and some that don’t. A website’s ranking can boost and decrease for different queries and search terms.
Reciprocal Links
What does Reciprocal Links mean?
Reciprocal Links refers to a Reciprocal links refer to two websites that link to one another. Reciprocal links are typically used to boost the ranking of both websites in the search engine results. Google and other search engines can consider reciprocal links a tactic to manipulate search engines and can penalize webmasters for reciprocal links use.
Referral Traffic
What does Referral Traffic mean?
Referral Traffic refers to a marketing method of leveraging customers, partners, or employees. Entrepreneurs, consumers, customers, and partners are referred to a personal and professional network to promote or engage with a product or service. Referral marketing is a trusted marketing strategy, and it involves encouraging and rewarding customers to recommend products and services from consumer and B2B brands.
Schema Markup
What does Schema Markup mean?
Schema markup refers to an HTML code that is added to the website HTML to provide search engines with better relevant information regarding a business, place, person, product, or thing. Schema markup is also referred to as structured data or rich snippets.
Search Algorithm
What does Search Algorithm mean?
Search algorithm refers to the process used by an algorithm to locate specific data among a collection of data. Search engine algorithm is the rules and formula that search engines use to index and rank a page. A search algorithm is also referred to as a search engine algorithm.
Search Engine
What does Search Engine mean?
Search Engine refers to a program that indexes documents, then attempts to match documents relevant to the users search requests.
Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
What does Search Engine Marketing (SEM) mean?
SEM – Search Engine Marketing: SEM refers to the abbreviation for search engine marketing. SEM refers to two types of digital marketing. First, SEM refers to any search engine digital marketing. Second, SEM refers to paid search engine digital marketing. Most often, when SEM is referred to it is referring to the second, paid search engine marketing like PPC campaigns.
Search Engine Optimization
What does Search Engine Optimization mean?
Search Engine Optimization refers to the process of choosing targeted keyword phrases related to a website, and ensuring that the website places well when those keyword phrases are part of a search.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
What does Search Engine Optimization (SEO) mean?
Search engine optimization refers to the abbreviation for search engine optimization. SEO is a marketing strategy to enhance search results and build brand awareness. SEO marketing uses different methodologies like content marketing, link acquisition, and technical and code improvement. SEO is organic marketing meaning that it does not involve paid channels like PPC.
Search Engine Results Page (SERP)
What does Search Engine Results Page (SERP) mean?
SERP refers to the abbreviation for search engine results page. Search engine results pages are the pages that feature a list of search results when an Internet user performs a browser search. For instance, an Internet user types “Starbucks” into their browser. The search engine results pages show local Starbucks.
Search Engine Spam
What does Search Engine Spam mean?
Search Engine Spam refers to a excessive manipulation to influence search engine rankings, often for pages which contain little or no relevant content.
Search Engine Submission
What does Search Engine Submission mean?
Search Engine Submission refers to the act of supplying a URL to a search engine in an attempt to make a search engine aware of a website or page.
Search Engines
What does Search Engines mean?
Search engines refer to a software system that is developed with the intent to search for information on the World Wide Web. Search engine results displayed when a web browser search is performed. For instance, a web user types “Starbucks” into their search browser. The search engine results are displayed in pages and provide Starbuck results to the user. The information can be a mix of pages, images, and other file types. Information is indexed, and when a search is performed, it pulls relevant information per the keyword search to show the results. Google, Bing, and Yahoo are the most well-known search engines.
Search Operator
What does Search Operator mean?
Search operator, also referred to as a search parameter, refers to a character or string of characters used in a search query to narrow search results. In other words, a character or string of characters causes the action of gathering relevant information for the search query and display the results in the search engine results pages. Typically, pages displayed in the search results pages contain both the word or phrase preceding it and the word or phrase following it.
Search Queries
What does Search Queries mean?
Search queries refer to a search query that Internet users enter into their search browser to perform a search. Keywords and keyword phrases are used for the search engine to pull relevant information to be displayed. There are three types of search queries: Navigational, informational, and transactional queries.
Session Recording
What does Session Recording mean?
Session recording refers to the capability to record the onscreen activity of any user session hosted from a VDA for Servicer QS or Desktop QS. Sessions recording can be performed on any type of connection, subject to corporate policy and regulatory compliance. Sessions recording records, catalogs and archives sessions for later playback.
What does Sessions mean?
Sessions refers to a measurement of action. In web analytics, a session, or website visit refers to the time a visitor spends interacting on a website. In Google Analytics, a session is a metric that measures visitor website interaction which Google defaults to 30 minutes. Sessions also refer to operational analytics and provision of user-specific recommendations. The two most common methods to define a session is time-oriented approaches based on user activity and navigation based approaches based on a chain of requested pages.
Skyscraper Technique
What does Skyscraper Technique mean?
Skyscraper technique refers to a system for turning content into quality backlinks. Skyscraper technique is created by Backlinko’s Brian Dean and used to generate more traffic. With skyscraper technique, marketers research popular trends, topics, and well-received pieces of existing content specific to the topic areas of their business. The marketer then writes new and informative pieces that communicate a similar message. Once the pieces are published, the marketer reaches out to net users that have linked out to similar content for acknowledgment of their piece. This technique can work well as there is an existing demand on the topic, the audience is primed, and a ranking potential exists.
Technical SEO
What does Technical SEO mean?
Technical SEO refers to website and server optimizations that are performed to aid search engine crawlers to crawl and index a website. Technical SEO helps crawlers, also called spiders, to more effectively read and score and index a website. Technical SEO does not involve any content part of a website; however, if done correctly, it will boost the content, helping it to be found easily.
Time On Page
What does Time On Page mean?
Time on page refers to the amount of time a website visitor spends on a page or website. Time on page is a Google Analytics tool that uses timestamps to record when pages are loaded. Timing users time a page was opened and the exit time equivalates to the time on page or website.
Title Tag
What does Title Tag mean?
Title Tag refers to a Title tag refers to an HTML element that identifies a specific page topic. Title tags are displayed on search engine results pages as the clickable headline for a search. Title tags are essential for SEO, usability, and social sharing. A title tag should be descriptive and feature the marketer’s main keywords with an accurate and informative description of the page content.
Top 10
What does Top 10 mean?
Top 10 refers to the top ten search engine results for a particular search term.
Top Of Funnel Marketing
What does Top Of Funnel Marketing mean?
Top of funnel marketing refers to the top of the sales funnel. Marketers publish content at the top of the funnel to reach prospects. Various channels are used like: Social media, blogs and websites, SEO, online ads, video marketing, and influencer outreach. Top of the funnel goals for marketers is to drive brand awareness and generate sales.
Tracking Codes
What does Tracking Codes mean?
Tracking code refers to source code or script most often used in the header, footer, or thank you page of a website. The tracking code communicates information to software tools for data gathering purposes. Google AdWords and Analytics use tracking codes to track user website information.
UTM Tracking Code
What does UTM Tracking Code mean?
UTM tracking code refers to a simple code that you can attach to a custom URL. The code is used to track a source, medium and campaign name. With UTM tracking codes, marketers know the arrival source and campaign of their website visitors with Google Analytics.
What does Visits mean?
Visit refers to a metric used to calculate the total website navigations of a visitor to a website. Visits can also be referred to as sessions. The metric is one that is important in digital marketing as it is used in conjunction with the conversion rate to understand a website’s performance better.
Web Directory
What does Web Directory mean?
Web Directory refers to a organized, categorized listings of websites.
Website Analytics
What does Website Analytics mean?
Website analytics refers to the analysis and reporting of web data to better understand website visitor behavior. Specific data is measured and analyzed for an informed understanding of user behavior across pages. Various data includes the amount of time a visitor spends on a page, how many pages of a website website visitors visit while on the website, how long they stay on the website, and how they arrive at the website are all measured and analyzed for website analytics.
White Hat Marketing
What does White Hat Marketing mean?
White hat refers to a marketing term used to describe ethical marketing practices. The term is used in search engine optimization terminology and refers to the usage of optimization strategies, techniques, and tactics that do not engage in unethical practices to manipulate the search engines. White hat marketing completely follows all search engine rules and policies.
Web Development
301 Redirects
What does 301 Redirects mean?
301 Redirects refers to a 301 Redirect refers to the approach used to redirect visitors from one page to another page permanently. Between 90 – 99% of link equity (ranking power) of the page is passed to the redirected page. The “301” is used to reference the HTTP status code for the type of redirect. With this type of code, the browser is redirected from one URL to another.
302 Redirects
What does 302 Redirects mean?
302 Redirects refers to a 302 Redirect refers to the approach used to redirect visitors from one page to another page temporarily. The “302” refers to the HTTP status code for the type of redirect. With this type of code, the browser is redirected from one URL to another.
Above the Fold
What does Above the Fold mean?
A term derived from the print advertising industry. It describes the area of a web page that’s visible before the website visitor scrolls down the page. There is no set pixel size for the fold; it will vary depending on the visitor’s screen size and resolution.
ALT Text
What does ALT Text mean?
Alt text refers to a word that is used in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) to provide a textual alternative to visual information. The addition of the text to HTML code for images allows vision impaired website visitors information on the picture contents.
Animated Gif
What does Animated Gif mean?
Animated Gif refers to a graphic in the GIF89a file format that creates the effect of animation by rotating through a series of static images.
What does Bandwidth mean?
Bandwidth refers to a how much data can be transmitted in a time period over a communications channel, often expressed in kilobits per second (kbps).
Burstable Bandwidth
What does Burstable Bandwidth mean?
Burstable Bandwidth refers to a hosting option that allows websites to use the available network capacity to handle periods of peak usage.
Content Delivery System (CDN)
What does Content Delivery System (CDN) mean?
Content Delivery System (CDN) refers to a system of geographically distributed servers designed to accelerate the delivery of pages and files by routing user requests to the server that’s in the best position to serve them.
Data Transfer
What does Data Transfer mean?
Data Transfer is the total amount of outbound traffic from a website*, typically measured in gigabytes.
Dedicated Hosting
What does Dedicated Hosting mean?
Dedicated Hosting refers to a hosting option whereby the host provides and is responsible for the equipment, dedicating an entire server to the client’s websites.
Dedicated IP
What does Dedicated IP mean?
Dedicated Ip refers to an IP address dedicated to a single website.
Domain Name
What does Domain Name mean?
Domain Name refers to a location of an entity on the Internet.
What does E-Commerce mean?
E-Commerce refers to Electronic Commerce. The term classifies online businesses. A common E-Commerce business is an online retailer that sells products directly to consumers. Computer networks are used to trade or facilitate trading in products or services.
Extensible Markup Language (XML)
What does Extensible Markup Language (XML) mean?
Extensible Markup Language (XML) refers the abbreviation for extensible markup language. XML is much like HTML- hypertext markup language in the way that it is most often used for computer data categorization. XML- extensible markup language allows customizable tags for information markups for computers to better understand the information.
What does Favicon mean?
Favicon refers to a small icon that is used by some browsers to identify a bookmarked website.
What does Flash mean?
Flash refers to a multimedia technology developed by Macromedia to allow much interactivity to fit in a relatively small file size.
What does Frames mean?
Frames refers to a structure that allows for the dividing of a page into two or more independent parts.
Hreflang Tag
What does Hreflang Tag mean?
Hreflang tag refers to a website’s HTML code that provides search engines with the spoken language of the page. For websites with pages in multiple languages, Hreflang tags are especially helpful. Hreflang tags help Google to place and display pages to specific audiences, such as a Spanish speaking audience.
What does HTML mean?
HTML refers to the abbreviation for hypertext markup language. HTML code sets are used for a web browser to know how to display a page. Individual code within the HTML is called a tag or an element. HTML typically includes a starting and ending element/tag for markups.
What does HTTP mean?
HTTP refers to the abbreviation for hypertext transfer protocol. The World Wide Web uses a protocol to define how data is formatted and transmitted. It also provides knowledge to web servers and browsers of necessary actions needed to be taken for command response. When a website is interested in a browser and the “search” button is clicked, the HTTP command is sent to the server. This command tells the server to locate the website and send the data for the user to be sent directly to the URL or website.
What does HTTPS mean?
HTTPS is the abbreviation for hypertext transfer protocol secure. HTTPS is a more secure version of HTTP. HTTP is used to define how data is formatted and transmitted across the net. HTTPS provides a protective barrier over HTTP as it is encrypted. With the added layer of security, personal information of consumers using an encrypted website is better protected.
What does Hyperlink mean?
Hyperlink refers to an HTML code that is used to create a link from one webpage to another page. The HTML code often includes a highlighted word or image that will take a user directly to the location when the highlighted word or image is clicked.
What does Javascript mean?
Javascript refers to a Javascript refers to a scripting language. Javascript is used within web browsers for interactive effects that are difficult or impossible to achieve with just CSS or HTML. Javascript can be used for APIs, games, scrolling abilities, and more. Javascript can bring websites to life and provide visitors with exceptional website experiences.
Long Domain Name
What does Long Domain Name mean?
Long Domain Name refers to a domain names longer than the original 26 characters, up to theoretical limit of 67 characters (including the extension, such as .com).
Managed WordPress Hosting
What does Managed WordPress Hosting mean?
Managed WordPress Hosting refers to a web hosting optimized specifically for WordPress, where the hosting company assumes many of the routine maintenance tasks.
What does Navigation mean?
Navigation refers to a that which facilitates movement from one page to another page.
Premium WordPress Theme
What does Premium WordPress Theme mean?
Premium WordPress Theme refers to theme coded for the WordPress content management system that costs money.
Responsive Web Design
What does Responsive Web Design mean?
Responsive web design refers to a website creation that adjusts page content to the screen size or device to be displayed accurately. In other words, a complete and correct visual display of the page content is accurately shown regardless of the screen size of the device. With responsive web design, a website “responds” to the screen size of the user’s device and will adjust the website’s content and images to fit the screen perfectly.
What does Robots.txt mean?
Robots.txt refers to a text file stored on a website’s server that communicates to search crawlers. Indexing robots (crawlers) are “told” what files and folders can be viewed and files and folders that the webmaster restricts from viewing. Robots.txt can keep a webmaster’s indexed pages limited to pages they wish.
Shopping Cart
What does Shopping Cart mean?
Shopping Cart refers to a software used to make a website’s product catalog available for online ordering, whereby visitors may select, view, add/delete, and purchase merchandise.
Site Search
What does Site Search mean?
Site Search refers to a search functionality specific to one website.
Splash Page
What does Splash Page mean?
Splash Page refers to a branding page before the home page of a website.
User Experience (UX)
What does User Experience (UX) mean?
UX refers to the abbreviation for User Experience. UX refers to the manner a user interacts with a website or app. For instance, the pages a visitor visits while on a website, how the visitor scrolls a page, and areas the visitor “hovers” over on a page, etc. Knowing visitor website behavior, or UX helps marketers to improve conversion rates. It is essential for marketers to have a good UX for the sake of business as a good UX drives repeating users and engagement.
User Interface (UI)
What does User Interface (UI) mean?
User Interface (UI) refers to the abbreviation for a user interface. User interface refers to the means by which a user and digital device interact. For example, input devices and software use and a website’s visitor behavior while on the website. A user interface should be user-friendly.
Web Browser
What does Web Browser mean?
Web Browser refers to a software application that allows for the browsing of the internet.
Web Design
What does Web Design mean?
Web Design refers to the selection and coordination of available components to create the layout and structure of a page.
Web Hosting
What does Web Hosting mean?
Web Hosting refers to the business of providing the storage, connectivity, and services necessary to serve files for a website.
Website Usability
What does Website Usability mean?
Website Usability refers to the ease with which visitors are able to use a website.
What does Whois mean?
Whois refers to a utility that returns ownership information about second-level domains.
What does Wireframe mean?
Wireframe refers to a cursory layout drawing that acts as a “draft” of a page in the design process. The draft or sketch focuses on interactive functionality and the rough layout to quickly build the design/page. Wireframing requires experience and expertise in the web design field.
XML websitemap
What does XML websitemap mean?
XML websitemap refers to an XML document format that is used to categorize all relevant pages, files, posts, etc. of a website. An XML websitemap is designed to help search engine crawler bots to identify pages of a website. It can be considered a website roadmap.
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